We believe that:
- God loves the world so much that He gave His only Son Jesus Christ to save us.
- We have forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life because we have accepted Jesus as our saviour.
- It is our responsibility to share this good news with our community and with the wider world.
We also believe that:
- The Church is a place where people, regardless of age or ability should feel welcome.
- God’s love needs to be shared in practical ways, and this means that we are willing to give of our time, energy and money to help others.
- There is great power in prayer, that situations can be changed and people comforted when we seek God’s help in prayer.
About the Bible
- We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and that’s why we have the Bible read and explained to us every Sunday. We seek to live our lives in obedience to it empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that the gospel is a ‘change-agent’, bringing new life and fresh challenges to both the church and our society in every age.